Dizziness and Physiotherapy: Vestibular, BPPV and Cervicogenic

dizzinessDizziness is one of the very disabling conditions that at Physiologix, unfortunately, we all too often treat.

Dizziness is a common problem and may have numerous different causes some of which can be helped with physiotherapy.

The most common cause of dizziness is from dysfunction within your inner ear (vestibular system) such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Common symptoms include dizziness when changing position like rolling in bed, bending forwards or turning your head. This dizziness usually subsides quickly.

Other disorders of the vestibular system include vestibular neuritis caused by inflammation of the nerve that supplies the inner ear. This causes dizziness that does not subside. Meniere’s disease is dizziness usually secondary to recurrent ear infections and can result in fluctuating hearing loss.

Dizziness can also arise from neck problems. Symptoms of neck related dizziness include neck pain, light-headedness, increased dizziness in prolonged head positions such as poor posture sitting at a computer.

Dizziness could also indicate dysfunction in other body systems such as the cardiovascular and neurological systems or can occur following head injury/concussion.

The cause of dizziness can often be difficult to diagnose and requires thorough examination. Physiotherapists use several tests that can help with diagnosing and directing treatment.

Physiotherapy has proven to be a very effective form of treatment for many of the above causes of dizziness. At Physiologix, we have staff that are a Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, with a special interest in the spine (necks and lower back), headaches and dizziness.