Best Treatment For Osteoarthritis

exercise is best treatment for osteoarthritisIt was recently world osteoarthritis day, a great time to be discussing what is the latest in the best treatment for osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis, often known as OA is a condition that affects our joints, where two bones meet. Any joint may be affected and here at Physiologix we see almost any area of the body can be affected.  The cartilage that protects the joints is the area that becomes affected.

There are many risk factors.  Age is relevant, but it is not just older people that can develop OA.  There can be a genetic factor, but not always.  Obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, being female, and previous joint injury are also all risk factors.

So what then is the best treatment for osteoarthritis? 

In the case of hip and knee OA, exercise has been shown to be the best initial treatment intervention.  But many people hurt when they exercise so what then? Understanding positions that you can work in, with good technique are the starting point.  Working into a little pain is safe to do as long as the pain settles quickly after and isn’t worse that night or the next day. 

At Physiologix, your physio will assess you to gain better understanding of what you can do and what, initially, is best to avoid.  They will guide you on how much, how often. The importance of rest days is essential to allow the body to recover, but you also need to be doing enough to be effective.  Your physio can also talk you through other things you could be doing to help such as support braces and seeing the GP for medications for pain relief. 

Hydrotherapy, exercise in water, has been shown to be beneficial in helping with OA. At Physiologix we will design a program specific to you that you can then do in a pool yourself. We also will give you a home program, or look to provide you with a gym program for those that attend the gym, or to set you up with a Pilates program here in our fully equipped pilates rehab area.  Throughout the year Physiologix also offers the GLAD program, a comprehensive program including education sessions and OA specific rehab classes for those with hip and knee OA.

Many of our clients have given up walking and running in the belief it might be harming their joints further.  This has been shown to not be the case. These are safe activities as long as the joint has the capacity to do the task – again your physio will help educate you more on this.

Exercise is the first step in treating osteoarthritis but if this doesn’t work at Physiologix we will work with you and help support you in finding a good specialist that you can go on to talk to regards your other less conservative options, such as medications, injections and in some cases surgery.

So don’t think for one minute that just because you have been told you have osteoarthritis it is the end of the world – there really is so much you can do to help yourself and manage this condition.  To find out more call Physiologix on (07) 3511 1112 or email us from the CONTACT US page at our website


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