How can your physio help you get active.

Our Physios Will help you get active 500Need to become more active?  Know you should become more active? Injured? Just cant get motivated? At Physiologix we are here to help. With an amazing team of Physios, massage and Pilates experts we would love to work with you and support you to get more active.  So how can your physio help you get active?

The World Health Organisation (1) shows 1/3 of adults (1.8 billion) do not meet recommended levels of physical activity (2). So number 1: you are not alone!

Activity is key at Physiologix

At Physiologix much of our work with people focuses on advice and education. The other key component of our success with our clients is our focus on exercise.  Exercises are not just about an injury or issues someone may have but also on exercise, or activity, for general health.

It is simple.  Whatever you might be interested in or maybe like to do, we will use that as our base and start there.  Being a little fitter means you are a little more healthy, not just physically but also mentally.  It doesn’t take much to go a long way.  

Activity and back pain

One of the most exciting studies came out recently showing a bit of regular walking can reduce back pain by 30% (3).  Exercise is considered the best first treatment for osteoarthritis, one of the main reasons we have aches and pains as we age. Bone density can be improved with key exercises, falls prevented, balance improved. Injury can be prevented and pain reduced, all be exercise.

So how can your physio help you become active?

Home Exercise Program, Hydrotherapy Program, Walk/Run Program

GEt ActiveLet us know what you would like to do, we will help get your body ready for this.  We can give you a home program, maybe a walking program, a hydrotherapy (rehab exercises in the pool) program, a return or start to run program.  

Gym Program 

Maybe you would like to start the gym – we are based upstairs at The Gap Health and Racquet Club and are fortunately able to access the gym here to help show you some key exercises to get you going.  

Clinical Pilates on Pilates Equipment

We have a fully equipped Pilates and rehab gym area private to Physiologix. We run small (4 person max) groups where you would have entirely your own program, spec
ifically designed for your own needs. You can attend these classes with a physio should you require more guidance, but if not we run a huge number of classes under our expertly trained Pilates Instructors.  Or maybe a 1:1 session is something you feel more secure about.  

As we mentioned above, the key to success in becoming more active is to start where you feel you might want to start! And if self motivation is not your strongest point, then getting involved with one of our classes, or letting us help support you where ever you may want to go is really important – we cant do everything alone!

Want to find out more?  Check out more through the website. Or email us from the contact us page. Alternatively call us on (07)3511 1112 and speak to one of our wonderful reception staff. This is it – you CAN become more active!

(2) effectiveness and cost effectiveness of an individualised, progressive walking and education intervention for the [revention of low back pain recurrence in Australia (WalkBack): a randomised controlled trial



(1) Nearly 1.8 billion adults at risk of disease from not doing enough physical activity

(2) effectiveness and cost effectiveness of an individualised, progressive walking and education intervention for the [revention of low back pain recurrence in Australia (WalkBack): a randomised controlled trial(2) effectiveness and cost effectiveness of an individualised, progressive walking and education intervention for the [revention of low back pain recurrence in Australia (WalkBack): a randomised controlled trial


More to Read at Physiologix:

Running injuries: what to do? Should youstop running? Will everyone benefit from a running assessment?

Pilates at Physiologix