Make Sure Your Body is Resolution Ready

get your body resolution ready With many of us considering the things we would like to acheive in 2025, doubt can often start to creep in with goals related to fitness.  Can our body manage it?  Do we have the capacity to achieve it? 

We have had a lot of fun at Physiologix this January helping people get resolution ready.  Be it lack of fitness, current or previous injuries, general health issues, poor ability to find a program you might be able to stick with due to time/financial contraints - these are all issues we have been working to help support our clients with a plan moving forward.  Here are some key tips.

1. Routine

You can only improve if you continue to repeat something, so set yourself up to succeed, not to fail.  What can you manage and can you manage that several times a week.  Just starting to keep repeating something regularly means it becomes part of your routine.
You have then acheived the first test - you have mangaed to stick to something! And as they say, "from little things, big things grow".  We can slowly increase what you do as the little bit you have started begins to feel less effort.

2. Load management.

This means managing what you are doing and avoiding the whole boom and bust!  It may be that 15minutes of walking hurts you - no problems maybe you do 10minutes twice in the day - this means you do 20minutes and still dont hurt.  Have light days - meaning if you have done more on a day, make the next day lighter so as to give the body a chance to recover.  And take 1-2 rest days in the week off. Fatigue can be a big issue so it is important you have the energy to put into your exercise.  Give your body this opportunity. 

3. Prepare your body for what you want to do.

If you want to run and you haven't for a while, can you single leg squat, jump and hop?  If you want to start walking hills due you have the buttock muscle strength to propel you up.  If you want to start balance exercises is your leg and trunk strong enough to control your body balancing on one leg for a period of time.  If you want to start strength work what are the safe ranges to start this that don't put joints and muscles at risk of injury.  We help people understand their current ability and where the issues might be that would prevent them from doing what they want to do, how to fill in these gaps, and strengthen and prepare the body for what the aims and goals might be.

How do we do this - with lots of advice and education so you can understand what you have to do and how, what you have to be careful of and strategies for this.  We will also help build an exercise program: this might be giving you an individual program that you can do under the watchful eyes of our clinical pilates instructors, or physios in a class.  It may be a program in the gym, or maybe a program you can do from home.  All that matters is it has to work, we will find out the way that works best of you and design what will then be the best for you specifically. At Physiologix, we aim to help you become as healthy as you can be.

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