New Year New You: Why Clinical Pilates ?

Why Clinical Pilates at Physiologix The GapWhy Clinical Pilates? It is a very effective method to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. At Physiologix, in The Gap, Clinical Pilates is a precise and purposeful type of exercise designed to optimise the healing and recovery process – in the way that’s right for your body, your symptoms and your goals. Clinical Pilates uses spring-loaded Pilates equipment and mats to challenge your body safely and effectively, carefully considering your injury and problem areas. The intensive workout helps develop strength, balance, and flexibility in all areas of the body.

Clinical Pilates is used for patient-specific treatment after an injury or surgery.

Clinical Pilates is used for patient-specific treatment after an injury or surgery. It differs from Pilates because it is a individualised exercise program, which considers specific injuries and physical needs. This means that the exercises are adapted to suit each client's needs to be used effectively in their rehabilitation phase.

Clinical Pilates focuses on improving strength, flexibility, and balance to help you recover quickly from any new challenge you may face during this time of life. By strengthening your core muscles, improving flexibility, and developing good balance skills, you will find that your body becomes more supple than ever before!

Pre-Pilates Assessment is a comprehensive initial consultation completed by one of our Pilates Trained Physiotherapists. 

your clinical Pilates assessment with a physioAt Physiologix, in The Gap, during your initial consultation with a Pilates-trained Physiotherapist, they will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your current level of fitness and injury history. Creating an individualised program that will be tailored to meet your needs.

This includes:

  • The assessment involves looking at existing injuries and pathologies, posture, and range of motion, analysing biomechanics and kinetic chain movement patterns, and quality of movement.
  • An individualised exercise prescription that targets the areas you want to improve (such as flexibility or strength).
  • Programs based on your goals over the next few months can include increased flexibility, stronger muscles, improved posture, or increased sports performance.
Progressions are minor changes made every few weeks until they become more significant after several months of training together!

We provide Education, not just Exercise correction. 

Clinical Pilates education learn how to moveUnderstanding how your body works and why specific exercises are working or not working for you is essential. Our Clinical Pilates instructors have expert knowledge and training in exercise physiology and pathology, which allows them to provide education, not just exercise correction. We aim to help clients understand how they can be trained correctly to achieve the desired results while staying safe and avoiding injury. 

The extensive workout helps develop strength, balance, and flexibility in all areas of the body.

why Clinical Pilates strength balance flexibilityClinical Pilates is a high-energy, low-impact workout focusing on the whole body. It helps improve your posture, flexibility, and strength in all body areas.

  • Improve Your Posture: Regularly performing this workout will help strengthen muscles around your core and improve alignment. This can reduce back pain and help prevent injuries by improving overall balance and strengthening core muscles that support your back.
  • Increase Your Flexibility: Many people lose flexibility over years of a sedentary lifestyle. These same folks tend to be less flexible when exercising because they feel uncomfortable moving their muscles through full ranges of motion. Clinical Pilates helps increase their range of motion while keeping them strong so they can continue moving freely without feeling restricted! 

Clinical Pilates is a highly effective method to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

Clinical Pilates is a highly effective all-body system that can help you achieve your health and fitness goals. It's an efficient way to improve your fitness and well-being, but it's also safe.

If you are looking for a highly effective method to help you achieve your health and fitness goals, then Pilates is just the thing! We hope this blog post has helped give you insight into what Clinical Pilates can do for your body. If you still have any questions about the Clinical Pilates we perform at Physiologix, based in The Gap, northwest Brisbane, please feel free to contact us at or to call us click here

You can also read more about what we do by clicking here.

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