Physiologix Clinical Pilates for Back and Neck Pain.
We help many clients at Physiologix with back and neck pain using clinical Pilates. There is an overall lack of clear evidence in the literature that Pilates can help prevent back pain so why is it that we have such success with our clinical Pilates?
There is slowly emerging research about Functional Behavioural Therapy and its clear benefits in treating low back pain. We take many of the components of this therapy and use it within our clinical Pilates.
You work in a small group, this is fun, social, gives you a chance to chat to others going through similar issues.
Your program is designed individually for you, in conjunction with a physio. This allows us to help you learn to move safely again. As you gain confidence we can start to help you return to tasks you previously believed you had to avoid or could not do.
You are careful supervised. We help you understand movement patterns you use that might not be helping your recovery. We show you ways to overcome this and move more normally.
We focus on the “off” not just the “on”. People believe you have to be strong, have muscles activated to protect you. But of course you have lots of muscles that are trying to overwork to protect you, learning to switch these off, have then relax back to their normal level of working is actually very hard and takes a lot of support and practice.
We are a team, working with you. You are not on your own. We will understand your fears, your apprehensions, your protective strategies, and help reduce these, thus helping reduce your pain. We understand that pain doesn’t mean damage! Pain is far more complex and we will help you navigate and understand more about what pain is and ways to control your pain better.