Pilates – The Perfect Way To A Better Body!
Physiologix is now offering a much larger range of sessions. All the Pilates is run and supervised ONLY by highly qualified and experienced physiotherapists. Firstly they will ensure you are able to activate your deep muscles correctly using ultrasound imaging, cutting edge technology. This is essential if you are to gain the full benefit of Pilates. They will then set up an individualised program specific to your issues, injuries, weaknesses and concerns. You then have a range of options again depending on your confidence, ability and affordability. Physiologix offers Pilates classes (max 6 people), smaller 3 person groups, orone to one sessions. The sessions utilise specialised equipment and exercises to ensure recovery and strengthening of muscles essential to having a stable, strong body.
Michelle Klaassen physiotherapist at Physiologix (here in The Gap) outlines that the key to Pilates is core stability. “The core is essential to ensuring a strong and stable body” she says. “The core is the trunk and pelvis. There are deep muscles that should preset before you move to keep the spine and pelvis stable. Injury, pain and prolonged periods of rest or sitting can result in dysfunction in these muscles.
The deep muscles work at very low levels of effort but they stay on continuously while you are moving. The transversus abdominus is like our natural corset, wrapping around our trunk. It works like the walls of a cylinder. Below we have the pelvic floor, supporting the trunk and holding the pelvis together internally. At the back we have the multifidus, a small muscle that sits between the spine: this will often work with the transversus. Above forming the roof of the cylinder is the diaphragm. Breathing is essential to allow the trunk to move and not become too rigid. Breath holding causes over contraction of the abdominal muscles and can put strain on the back and pelvis. It is the coordinated effort of all these deep muscles, working together, to provide stability to the trunk, back and pelvis. This forms one of the key components of Pilates”.
Pilates is for everyone, no matter age, ability or injury. Michelle explains further: “Pilates was initially developed by German, Joseph Pilates, during the First World War, to rehabilitate injured soldiers. It then became popular with dancers and performers as a way to stretch and strengthen the body, through a gentle but effective workout. Pilates has continued to become increasingly popular, due to its focus on posture and good alignment. Physiotherapists now widely use Pilates as an enjoyable and extremely effective way to prevent, and rehabilitate from injury”.
To find out more check out more in the pilates section of this website or call us on (07) 3511 1112