What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a bone disease which weakens bones and increases the risk of fracture. This occurs when bones lose more minerals such as calcium faster than the body can replace them. Bone is in a constant state of regeneration, removing old bone and replacing it with new bone. As we get older the body’s ability to replace bone slows down, therefore bones become weaker and thinner. The most common bones affected are the hips, spine and wrist.

Who is affected?

Although more prevalent as we age, this is a condition that can affect all ages. Certain other groups can also be affected, such as those with absorption issues, for example Crohn’s and celiac disease. Young female athletes are at particular risk due to the hormonal affects that heavy training can create.

Post-menopausally things change - oestrogen drops affecting many things including your ability to maintain muscle mass. Your ability to absorb vitamin D is also affected, reducing and therefore putting bones at risk. Remember, similar oestrogen drops occur with pregnancy and breast feeding, so this is another group at risk of bone density reduction. Bone density is therefore a life-long commitment.

What can you do?

Join our classes to build on exercises essential in helping with osteoporosis, either for management or prevention.

We can also write a home program on a video app if you are up to the technology - this allows you to watch your home exercise videos as often as you want in your own time at home, ensuring you have got the exercise right. Remember - bones are very sensitive and need variation – this means that you need to change your program regularly to get the optimal bone building affect. Consider varying your program at least every 6-8 weeks.

Our Physiotherapist and Clinical Pilates Instructors, working here at Physiologix, have a special interest in this area.  Call our friendly reception staff to find out more and so we can avise as to who might be the best person to help you with your individual needs.