Neck, headache, migraine, vestibular and TMJ (jaw) physiotherapy

Treatment of head (headaches) and neck pain, and dizziness or balance issues (including vertigo and BPPV), and TMJ (jaw) pain is extremely complex and requires an advanced level of physio expertise. All ages and all types of person may be affected.

Neck pain can become long term, or chronic in many cases. There are many reasons why this may be. Your issues may have stemmed from whiplash in a car neck physio webaccident, or gradually build up over time. Your Physiologix physio will help to go through the many different causes with you, carrying out special tests and asking lots of questions to help provide the answers we need and therefore give us the direction with which to go with physiotherapy.

Cervicogenic headaches and cervicogenic dizziness, means that your symptoms arise from your neck. Similarly as with chronic neck pain, specific questions and tests carried out by your physiologix physio will help to clarify that this is the case.

Dizziness and vertigo are different. Your physio will help to assess exactly what is happening to then be able to advise and treat you appropriately. Each condition has very specific rehabilitation exercises that can help.

BPPV – benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is another dizziness type issue that is related to the semicircular canals for balance in the ears. Treatment can have immediate and excellent results. Your Physiologix physio will help to teach you exercises you can then often self manage future flare ups with.

Temperomandibualr Disorder (TMD) - pain in the jaw, or tempermandibular joint can be extremely painful and related to a range of problems including poor mouth closing alignemnt, postural issues and dental problems.  Jaw issues can extend to feed into neck and headache pain. Much can be done to alleviate jaw symptoms.


There are then many treatment strategies that need to be used to help improve your symptoms. This may range from and include:

  • Hands on physiotherapy
  • Specific strength and stability exercises
  • Postural changes: this includes analysis and change of work, home and resting positions.
  • Specific head, neck and eye co-ordination exercises
  • Specific vestibular exercises
  • Relaxation strategies – learning how to relax over-tight muscles

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