Consultations and classes over video are just as effective as face to face consultations AS LONG AS YOUR PHYSIOTHERAPIST IS EXPERIENCED! This is because it is your physio's ability to use the information you provide to make a correct diagnosis - this takes experience.

At Physiologix, we ONLY have extremely experienced staff.  See our Our Team page to read more on our individual therapist qualifications.

At Physiologix we offer:

  • 1:1 Telehealth video consultations (using a secure, end to end encrypted system)
  • Small physio led group classes
  • Individual 1:1 exercise sessions
  • Small pilates classes

Who is Telehealth video consultations suited for?

  • If you are unable to leave home for health reasons, and a home visit is not an option
  • If you are concerned about immune related issues and want to stay isolated from other persons
  • If travel distance is an issue

Suggestions for using video consultation Telehealth

  • If you are a little IT challenged, have someone there to help you initially so you learn what to do - we will send you instructions and can talk you through difficulties experienced
  • If you have mobility issues have someone there to assist you, and most importantly, be safe as you move
  • Wear lose fitting exercise clothing
  • Use a device that you can put somewhere stable - it is easier if you have a device you can move around easily but this is not necessary
  • Make sure your device is charged

Given current time, available times for the above are constantly changing. Please CONTACT US or call (07) 3511 1112 to find out more.